Presbytery Support Grants

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The Synod of the Northeast recognizes financial hardships have greatly affected some presbyteries and they are not able to adequately support congregations and pastors. The Synod Commission on April 30, 2022, voted to designate 200k from the budget for the next three years to provide needs-based support grants.

The purpose of the grant is to provide financial assistance to help fulfill a Presbytery’s vision for mission and ministry. The grant amounts range from $20,000 - $40,000 and are renewable annually for up to two additional years.

Potential Grantees

Northern New York Presbytery

The Northern New York Presbytery would like to utilize the Presbytery Support Grant for two separate reasons. First, they would like to update their staffing structure. Due to the presbytery being under-resourced, they have not been able to increase their staffing to fulfill their future goals. The presbytery has also noticed the hardships that their leaders are going through and wanted to provide grants to clergy that are experiencing burnout.

Genesee Valley Presbytery

The Genesee Valley Presbytery would like to utilize the Presbytery Support Grant to increase the responsibilities of their communications specialist. They recognized their congregations could utilize some assistance with communications and would like their specialist to train them on best communications practices to increase their reach to a wider area.