2018 Synod Assembly Highlights: Special Guests

In addition to great fellowship and conversations among Commissioners, Young Adult Advisory Delegates (YAADs), and Observers, the Synod Assembly also had the privilege of welcoming some special guests as well.

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The Rev. Dr. Diane Givens Moffett

We were blessed to have the Rev. Dr. Diane Givens Moffett, the new Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) Executive Director, join us for the Assembly’s opening worship service, at which she preached and presided over the Table. She brought a powerful word, affirming our commitments as a Synod and challenging us to continue digging deeper into the ways we have been called to express the Gospel message in our region and beyond. It was a gift to have her with us. 

For more information on Diane, check out this biographical article published by the Presbyterian Outlook on May 8, 2018. For a recording of her wonderful sermon, see below.

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The Rev. Dr. Allison K. Seed

The Assembly also welcomed the Rev. Dr. Allison Seed, the Board of Pensions’ Church Consultant for our region. Allison is retiring at the end of this year, and we were glad to have an opportunity to honor her for her faithful service to our ministers, congregations, and presbyteries. She is well known to many of us, and has been an invaluable source of information and assistance! She will be missed, but we wish her well on the next steps of her life’s journey.

Valley Stream Inspirational Community Choir

A highlight of the Assembly for many, we were especially glad to welcome the Valley Stream Inspirational Community Choir to lead us in song during the Assembly’s closing worship service. The Valley Stream Choir is one of the Synod’s Innovation partners, having received an Innovation Grant in 2017 & 2018. It was fantastic to highlight the ministry and story of this group, and truly inspiring to have them with us on many levels! The whole occasion was a great example of our hopes and intentions for the Innovation Initiative.

Here’s a video clip from the Closing Worship service that includes part of the Valley Stream Choir’s story as well as their joyful leadership in our closing song.


Greetings from the GA Co-Moderators

Finally, while General Assembly Co-Moderator Rev. Cindy Kohlmann is a member of our Synod (Resource Presbyter for the Presbyteries of Boston & Northern New England), she and her co-moderatorial partner, RE Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri, were unable to join us as they were on a trip with the Presbyterian Mission Agency to Puerto Rico for the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria. Given the Synod’s commitment to Puerto Rico partnerships and recovery efforts, we were happy to support their trip there. However, though they could not join us in person, Cindy and Vilmarie did send us a video greeting instead! Hear from them below (password: northeast):